we are a farm based in indigenous lifeways, a wildlife refuge and a duck sanctuary on 1296 acres in vermont

Our ducks react to the first snow of the 2019 winter with a big, "NOPE!" Video shot by duck caregiver Amelia Horn...(with laughter from both Amelia and Allison). This video has been shared widely on social media last year and this—over 15 million views and responses. Donations much appreciated, no matter how small!

Shawn & Bodhi

In October 2019, we rescued Bodhi, a male Pekin, who was dumped at a nearby public lake. He was left to fend for himself as a young and solo heavy “meat” bird, unable to fly, and with no intuitive survival skills like his wild duck cousins. Thanks to a kind and thoughtful gentleman who knew a large white duck didn’t belong on the lake, who knew the duck needed help, we were contacted. Bodhi was our first “dumped duck” rescue, and our first Pekin.

Since August 2016, Sanctuary at SHO has been a duck and wildlife refuge set within SHO Farm’s 1296 acres of abundant and pristine water, food and medicine in the Green Mountains of Vermont. We are Indigenous, BIPOC+ queer women-led.

SHO Farm is also a sacred space to connect with life in its many facets, deepen knowledge of self, and to find new ways to inhabit the earth in right relationship with all our kin. 

SHO Farm, LLC has an online farm store. Proceeds from our wild, regenerative + vegan farm directly help wildlife and sanctuary animals. Visit SHO Farm’s website here.

The Aromatic Plant Research Center Interviewed Sanctuary at SHO’s Melissa Hoffman about our entire farming system and approach to growing the highest-quality CBD Hemp—which we call CBDuck in honor of our sanctuary. You can visit our CBDuck farm shop here. All sale proceeds go to support wildlife and the ducks.


About us

We are not an ordinary sanctuary. Find out about our multi-faceted approach to land, animals, food, and health.

You can Help

There are many ways to contribute and share in the important work we're doing at Sanctuary at SHO